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Battery Pack Assembly MAC PAC

GE HealthCare
GE HealthCare
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Informazioni sul prodotto

The Battery Pack Assembly MAC PAC is made up of Nickel metal-hydride (NiMH) battery cells, the assembly is comprised of 15 number of cells connected in series to generate 18VDC. The assembly is included with inbuilt safety thermostat connected in series with the battery circuit to protect the battery from functioning during high temperature more than 70° C. The assembly also contains a battery charging control thermistor, the charger installed externally will terminate charging the battery based upon a change in the battery temperature per unit time as compared to ambient (dT/dt ). The thermistor is also used to terminate charge at a maximum temperature. This battery pack is designed for use in the GE Marquette MAC 5000 resting ECG system and its derivatives.