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Electro Magnetic Compatibility Filter TRI V2B - RoHS 5126999-2

2209840 5126999
GE HealthCare
GE HealthCare
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Informazioni sul prodotto

The EMC filter design is critical to the electromagnetic compatibility, EMC performance. The EMC filter provides the required level of attenuation of the unwanted signals while allowing through the wanted signals. The circuit board comprises of capacitors, varistors, inductors, resistors, air core inductors and studs. The EMC Filter printed wiring board (PWB) is a double sided board made up of FR-4 Glass fiber, which is a composite material that consists of glass fabric, electrical grade epoxy resin. The material is strong and stiff, has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, and outstanding electrical properties. The board thickness is specified as 2.4 mm (standard is 1.6 mm) to increase stiffness and stability. The assembly uses high quality components meeting the applicable standards for reliable operation. The circuit board includes part identification labels. This EMC filter bard can be used with GE's Brivo XR DR-F, Discovery XR656G2, Brivo 315, Brivo 325 and Revolution ACT systems.

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Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Filter TRI V2B