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GE HealthCare
GE HealthCare
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Informazioni sul prodotto

The Cable Catheter Input Module 3 TPRF 8ft M CLBII+ Male is an 8ft cable that has a green color LED bulb which has diffused lens transparency. The style of the lens is round with domed top. The size of the lens is 3 mm. The viewing angle of the LED is 50°. The height of the LED bulb is 6.35 mm and its mounting is done by a through hole type. It is a flame retardant. The connect has 57 positions. It has a brass material crimp pin. The patient drape clip is included in the design of the cable to provide a method of affixing the cable to patient drape. the patient drip clip secures clip to cable using supplied tie-wrap and allows for the rotation of the clip around the cable. The clips should not slide freely along the cable. The strain relief and the housing of the plug are over molded. This gives protection and flexibility to the cable. The products, excellent surface finish and attractive aesthetic property makes it an excellent replacement part for many medical applications.

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