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DVD-RAM (DVD Random Access Memory)

GE HealthCare
GE HealthCare
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Informazioni sul prodotto

The DVD-RAM (DVD Random Access Memory) is a common type of optical media, used to store the captured medical digital data for CT Discovery CT750HD 64-Slice, HCS-IT CardioLab XT and few other medical equipment. This 9.4 GB, 240 minutes, 2X-3X speed, double-sided disc is available with type 4 removable cartridge, formatted for DVD video recorders. With large storage capacity this DVD can be used to record, erase or rewrite the data on it. These are being used in UL Voluson P8, HCS-IT CardioLab XT, UL TROPHON, XV Innova 2100, UL Vivid 7, HCS-IT ComboLab IT, ARC Aespire 7900, CT Discovery CT750HD 64-Slice, ARC Avance Carestation, XV Innova 3100, Evaluated/Not Applicable, Unassigned MV, ComboLab Upgrades etc.,

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